博士论文 夏热冬冷地区住宅节能优化设计

2017-04-28 25751 20.58M 0

全文字数5 万余字图表81 幅

Energy saving in building should be looked on a-; an idea of design for thennal comfort of human habitation, to reduce energy cooswne and get ioolf more used to environmental protection in the existing conditions, for themial comfort of room. Because energy saving in building involves in various aspects, it is suitable to be optimal analyzed by the system science theory. Though the research and design are not hi-tech, they should be the appropriate design and measures that architects can grasp and land agents may accept This thesis brings forward some opinions to energy saving of dwelling in this area: 
1、The optimal design of the energy
saving of residential buildings should be closely attached to its practical requirement; 
2、The diversity and instability of climate factors should be considered and integrated; 
3、The design and technology of energy saving should be in hannony with the architecture de.sign of integral planning. The design strategies of energy saving of dwelling are put fonvard on the planning of dwelling district, shape coefficient of building, room and envelop. This thesis puts forward the design of "'stagger shading eastwards or westwards", the design of "double skins" in dwelling and "the energy calculation method with thennal comfort of room", and introduces the tests of "heat from south to north'', "shading for west wall" and "stagger shading eastwards or westwards".

Keywords: Hot in Summer and Cold in Wmter Zone, Dwelling,Energy saving, Optimal design
about 50,000 words with 81 illustrations
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